Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Well it's been quite some time since I had anything to say and that was in hopes that the people of this country would have woken up to see what the current administration has been doing.  Unfortunately the sheeple or better yet, useful idiots, voted Obama in for yet another term and his race to destroying the Republic is picking up its' pace.  Between the continuation of the Patriot Act, NDAA, FISA, CISPA and the attack on the second amendment as well as those states that have legalized recreational marijuana use this government is doing what it can to strip us of our freedoms and liberty.  Never before has this country faced a threat so great from within yet the people of this country are blind because to question Obama and his administration makes you a racist or a hater.  Realistically he has inflated our debt as a nation to levels never thought of.  The deficit grows and spending goes unchecked while additional taxes are levied to try and stave off a financial meltdown all the while the fed prints money and buys debt along with keeping interest rates artificially low.  This is all just a big recipe for failure.  In the end the only solace those who hold this country and its' Constitution dear will be an I told you so.  Hopefully it doesn't come to that and the people of this nation, the ones left that have national pride, stand up and make themselves seen and heard and change the ways of this corrupt government.  Well that's about it for this rant.  Until next time.