Sunday, May 25, 2014

Gun Control Zealots

With the recent shooting in California gun control zealots are out in force.  Blaming the gun, gun shop, NRA, etc...  Reality is it is none of their faults but they are too bat shit crazy to understand that.  What these morons fail to understand is this psycho that killed 6 and wound 13 taped his intentions and published them hours before he did anything.  He also stabbed 3 to death before going on his shooting spree.  The individual is at fault here just like every other time something like this happens.  Unfortunately it is easier to blame others or inanimate objects for the actions of a fruit loop.

With all that said and using that mentality I suggest these stupid fucks known as Moms Demand Action, Mayors Against Illegal Guns, Brady Campaign, and all of the other Fucktards blame spoons for making people fat, cars for driving drunk, pens and pencils for spelling mistakes, matches for fires and bombs and IEDs for terror attacks.  Otherwise their anti-gun rhetoric and propoganda is just that.  It's time to stop being nice and going on the offense.  Call them out for morons they are.  Call then whatever vulgar names you choose because they don't hold back when attacking us and taking the high road and showing discretion has come to an end.

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