Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Windows... what a PIECE OF SHIT operating system! This bug ridden commercially available virus they call an operating system is nothing more than a thorn in my side. Conficker is the latest threat to rear its' ugly head and has given me nothing but grief updating network after network. To top it all off after updating these damned networks Microsoft's own updates hosed some of the damned servers they were to protect! So I had to spend countless hours troubleshooting a problem caused by patches that were supposed to fix a problem. Ugh... I cannot for the life of me understand why in the hell people continue to use this turd of an OS. So many other viable and robust alternatives out there and they are all free of the heartaches that come with Microsoft operating systems and products. Mac OS X, Linux, Unix, BSD, etc... all of these are far superior to anything that Redmond can pump out yet the sheeple keep buying their shit and accept its' flaws as par for the course. Well I am done with this rant because the more I think about it the more pissed off I get.

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