Friday, April 17, 2009

The End of America

With the Obama administration in place and now going forward with their socialist and fascist plans I fear that the United States as it once was is lost. We are now turning into, at a very fast pace, the United Socialist States of America. With rampant spending, increasing debt, nationalization of the financial, insurance and auto industries as well the erosion of the constitution there will soon be nothing left. I once thought that fighting and speaking out for what is right as well as contacting my elected representatives was to make a difference and having my voice heard was to be that difference. Now it just falls on deaf ears and the only voices heard by the politicians are those of special interest groups and foreign banks and governments looking to corrupt and destroy this once great nation. Well it was a nice ride for the past 233 years but it looks like it's pretty much done with by the time this administration is done. To those that wanted change, you got it. With that change will come the tyranny and oppression you deserve for turning a blind eye and deaf ear.

The United States of America
1776 - 2012

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