Tuesday, May 12, 2009

End of America - Redux

Well I thought about this quite a bit after my previous blog and well things are definitely changing and maybe just maybe for the better. With the tea parties, which I proudly attended, to the mid-west states asserting their 10th amendment rights things are looking up. More and more people are beginning to see the lie that is Obama, his policies and his administration. More people including myself are making their voices heard. This is the start of something wonderful but it is just that a start. We as a people as the citizens of these great United States of America need to make our voices heard louder and louder every day. It is our right, no our duty, as Americans to demand of our elected representatives to represent us the citizens their constiuents and not special interest groups, campaign contributors, foreign banks and interests. This is a government of the people and they need to be reminded of that every moment of every day to ensure that our freedoms and liberties are no longer eroded and the ones that have been be restored. I for one feel that we are at a point that we the people can take back this country and make it the great nation it once was in the vision that our founding fathers had when it was formed.

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