Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Unemployment a Good Thing?

Well yeah I know this is a stretch but hear me out. Being recently unemployed due to lay off really stinks and I join the millions of Americans now looking for employment. The good thing though may be the lack of income tax that the government pulls in. With the Obamanation increasing spending on an unprecedented scale and the lack of money coming in it cannot be sustained or for that matter even justified. If unemployment continues at its' current pace the growing federal government will have even less money than previously thought. Now they can raise taxes on those that are still employed and put new taxes into place but in doing so I am hoping it will wake the country up. Maybe those that drank the kool aid now having to pay a tax to drink the same kool aid will come to grips with the lie that is Obama and his policies. This could end up well and the country could revert back to its' roots. The other is that it could plunge this great nation into complete and total socialism. Only time will tell but it is something to ponder.

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