Sunday, May 25, 2014

Gun Control Zealots

With the recent shooting in California gun control zealots are out in force.  Blaming the gun, gun shop, NRA, etc...  Reality is it is none of their faults but they are too bat shit crazy to understand that.  What these morons fail to understand is this psycho that killed 6 and wound 13 taped his intentions and published them hours before he did anything.  He also stabbed 3 to death before going on his shooting spree.  The individual is at fault here just like every other time something like this happens.  Unfortunately it is easier to blame others or inanimate objects for the actions of a fruit loop.

With all that said and using that mentality I suggest these stupid fucks known as Moms Demand Action, Mayors Against Illegal Guns, Brady Campaign, and all of the other Fucktards blame spoons for making people fat, cars for driving drunk, pens and pencils for spelling mistakes, matches for fires and bombs and IEDs for terror attacks.  Otherwise their anti-gun rhetoric and propoganda is just that.  It's time to stop being nice and going on the offense.  Call them out for morons they are.  Call then whatever vulgar names you choose because they don't hold back when attacking us and taking the high road and showing discretion has come to an end.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Well it's been quite some time since I had anything to say and that was in hopes that the people of this country would have woken up to see what the current administration has been doing.  Unfortunately the sheeple or better yet, useful idiots, voted Obama in for yet another term and his race to destroying the Republic is picking up its' pace.  Between the continuation of the Patriot Act, NDAA, FISA, CISPA and the attack on the second amendment as well as those states that have legalized recreational marijuana use this government is doing what it can to strip us of our freedoms and liberty.  Never before has this country faced a threat so great from within yet the people of this country are blind because to question Obama and his administration makes you a racist or a hater.  Realistically he has inflated our debt as a nation to levels never thought of.  The deficit grows and spending goes unchecked while additional taxes are levied to try and stave off a financial meltdown all the while the fed prints money and buys debt along with keeping interest rates artificially low.  This is all just a big recipe for failure.  In the end the only solace those who hold this country and its' Constitution dear will be an I told you so.  Hopefully it doesn't come to that and the people of this nation, the ones left that have national pride, stand up and make themselves seen and heard and change the ways of this corrupt government.  Well that's about it for this rant.  Until next time.

Friday, November 6, 2009

The old guard is dying

The long established giants of the PC and software industry seem to be fading away faster and faster every day. Intel, AMD and Microsoft being the three in particular that come to mind. With the introduction of smaller, cheaper and more power efficient SoC systems from FreeScale and Nvidia. To the latest in optimized and free operating systems like Ubuntu from Canonical, Android and Chrome OS from Google small and powerful will be supplanting these industry giants at a frenetic pace.

With the oncoming flood of ARM Cortex A-8 based units within the next couple of months to the nVidia Tegra netbooks and smartbooks will be offering incredible performance for less than a 1/3 the price of the larger brethren. To top it all off they are more power efficient and nearly as feature rich, especially when you include embedded 3G access.

Then there is the fast approaching future. Both FreeScale and nVidia announced their next line of SoC designs, both being multi-core. The Cortex A-9 from FreeScale and Tegra 2 from nVidia. When these make it into the next generation of smartbooks, netbooks, and open client desktops coupled with Google Chrome OS, Ubuntu or some other custom tailored linux solution the price/performance gap will widen even more making the everyday consumer want one as a replacement unit as opposed to a neat toy to have.

Couple all this with the introduction of the newest line of Android smartphones and the ultimate mobile office becomes a reality. Mind you these phones will also be getting multi core SoC chips in the next generation as well. Making the combination even more powerful, more flexible, cheaper and infinitely more portable than the currently accepted solutions.

Honorable mentions and what I believe to be the catalyst for the coming change in cheap, ultra portable, performance computing are the Apple iPhone, the Nokia Internet tablets (N770, N810 and upcoming N900) the latter being more of a PC in a phone footprint WITH cell phone capabilities as well.

All in all the will be a paradigm shift in how the everyday consumer approaches computing and communication. I also believe it will make a very large impact in the corporate world for both the traveling CEO and the everyday road warrior. Here's looking to the future!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Here's hoping CA goes bust!

Gov. Schwarzenegger's doomsday budget for California may be the greatest single thing to happen to California and this country in a long while. California being the shining of socialism in this country with HUGE spending on public aid programs, welfare and healthcare. A gigantic state government that sucks down cash like kool aid. Now the whole thing looks to be crumbling down and hopefully IF it is allowed to fall down like a house of cards it may show the rest of the country how NOT to run a state government. For that matter it will also be a very good example on how not to run the country seeing that California is just our current government on a smaller scale. Maybe then the 54% will have an epiphany and realize the mistake that was made with Obama and the rest of his administration.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Unemployment a Good Thing?

Well yeah I know this is a stretch but hear me out. Being recently unemployed due to lay off really stinks and I join the millions of Americans now looking for employment. The good thing though may be the lack of income tax that the government pulls in. With the Obamanation increasing spending on an unprecedented scale and the lack of money coming in it cannot be sustained or for that matter even justified. If unemployment continues at its' current pace the growing federal government will have even less money than previously thought. Now they can raise taxes on those that are still employed and put new taxes into place but in doing so I am hoping it will wake the country up. Maybe those that drank the kool aid now having to pay a tax to drink the same kool aid will come to grips with the lie that is Obama and his policies. This could end up well and the country could revert back to its' roots. The other is that it could plunge this great nation into complete and total socialism. Only time will tell but it is something to ponder.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

End of America - Redux

Well I thought about this quite a bit after my previous blog and well things are definitely changing and maybe just maybe for the better. With the tea parties, which I proudly attended, to the mid-west states asserting their 10th amendment rights things are looking up. More and more people are beginning to see the lie that is Obama, his policies and his administration. More people including myself are making their voices heard. This is the start of something wonderful but it is just that a start. We as a people as the citizens of these great United States of America need to make our voices heard louder and louder every day. It is our right, no our duty, as Americans to demand of our elected representatives to represent us the citizens their constiuents and not special interest groups, campaign contributors, foreign banks and interests. This is a government of the people and they need to be reminded of that every moment of every day to ensure that our freedoms and liberties are no longer eroded and the ones that have been be restored. I for one feel that we are at a point that we the people can take back this country and make it the great nation it once was in the vision that our founding fathers had when it was formed.

Friday, April 17, 2009

The End of America

With the Obama administration in place and now going forward with their socialist and fascist plans I fear that the United States as it once was is lost. We are now turning into, at a very fast pace, the United Socialist States of America. With rampant spending, increasing debt, nationalization of the financial, insurance and auto industries as well the erosion of the constitution there will soon be nothing left. I once thought that fighting and speaking out for what is right as well as contacting my elected representatives was to make a difference and having my voice heard was to be that difference. Now it just falls on deaf ears and the only voices heard by the politicians are those of special interest groups and foreign banks and governments looking to corrupt and destroy this once great nation. Well it was a nice ride for the past 233 years but it looks like it's pretty much done with by the time this administration is done. To those that wanted change, you got it. With that change will come the tyranny and oppression you deserve for turning a blind eye and deaf ear.

The United States of America
1776 - 2012